Friday, May 4, 2012

The life and times of Wayne continue . . .
Today has been pretty uneventful, so let’s start from yesterday. I played my first soccer game of the intramural season. The air felt nice and the sun was pleasantly streaming over the turf field. It felt good, what more can I say. Then the game started. After about two full minutes into the game I was a wheezing bag of flesh. My once graceful strides had turned into uncoordinated stomping while my legs turned into tree stumps that bent randomly at the knees. What I thought was a slim body above my waste was in reality a lifeless sack of fat with heavy appendages. Fortunately by the second half the dizzying spell had started to disperse. I felt a little more alive, but the pain was still taking it’s toll. Before I knew it, the game was over with a slightly un-climactic tie: three-three. 

Unbenounced to me, my body has been fighting allergies for the past two weeks. Destroying my body with a competitive soccer game lowered the defenses enough that I  was forced too tank up on drugs and attempt to sleep off a nose that continually flowed and eyes that cried themselves red.
Fortunately today has been plagued only by a few sniffles as well as eyes that are just a hair too large for their sockets. 

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