Friday, May 25, 2012

My name is Wayne Ririe. As far as I know, my life is simple. I have friends, I work hard in school, I put a lot of voluntary time in my church, and I go home to a caring wife every day. Then it hit me. It was as if everything came into perfect focus with a click. I began to  see something that I never suspected. Everything made sense, and nothing made sense at all. My stomach was a sickened knot.
It all started on May 25 at 11:57 A.M. in the large glass atrium of the tanner building. The sun was shining through the clear ceiling high above my head. I was about to write my weekly blog for mcom 320 when a small number caught my eye. It could have been easily overlooked, and in fact, I almost began writing in my blog without ever noticing. The number was an eight. Eight were the number of views that my blog had received on the 22nd of May. The funny thing–I didn’t look at my blog even once on the 22nd of May. I was, and I am, being watched. Immediately after noticing this, a feeling of self–awareness and grave danger silently drained the color from my face. Despite the adrenaline pulsing through my head, I kept quiet and calm. Less than a moment later I began to feel the eyes. I looked up only to make uneasy eye-contact with a girl who was walking down the stairs. I didn’t know her, but she knew me. Behind me was a student working on his laptop, although, he didn’t seem so interested in his work compared to his interest for staring ominously at my back. I slowly turned back around in my seat to notice a girl who was talking on her cell phone and walking inconspicuously while periodically looking over in my direction. They blended in so well with the countless number of students and yet, they didn’t blend in at all. They weren’t there for any other reason but me. They are not students at all.
 . . . I feel it’s time for me to leave.

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