Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wow, what a day. Today has been different, just like the rest of the 8,522 days of my puny existence. The  reason I woke up today is the same reason I’m writing on this square that girls like to call a blog (Men don’t know about these squares). The reason I woke up was for class. The reason I’m writing? Class.
     Right now you probably have that uneasy feeling about me. It’s that feeling that everyone gets when they meet a robot disguised within the skin of a human. Please do not be fooled like so many of the friends I used to have! I am no robot! But alas, my will does in fact bend daily to a system that some call school which I have willfully flung myself into.
    Now where was I? Ah yes, I was at the beginning of my day. Unfortunately my dear friends I am also at the end. You see, it is only mandatory for me to write 150 words and presently I am at 171. As it is, I still have this nagging feeling telling me deep within my soul that I need to record some of the day’s events, otherwise they will be completely lost in a collection of faded memories that I hold somewhere I can’t remember. So, for the sake of time, I will put the days events in bullet points.
-Woke up at 6:43 while my wife continued sleeping.
-Didn’t shower
-drug myself to campus while eating a bowl of partially cooked microwaved oatmeal
-Got to school at 7:33 and studied until my 8 oclock class.
-Got in a boxing ring against 2 quizzes and won.
-Made friends… I think
-My teacher gave me a dollar for raising my hand in class. He then said, after giving me my treasured dollar bill, “there’s money out there, all you have to do is raise your hand and get it."
-Went home to eat and found my wife happily going about her day.
-came back to school
-Made a pathetic attempt to be diligent until sleep ninjas barbarically hacked at my diligence leaving me completely lifeless on this library table from which I write to you now.
And now it is time…  for another adventure…

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